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Empowerment through empathetic design and  equitable spaces for all.


Case Study Highlights


Please explore my processes by clicking on any of the images below to discover more about the projects I've contributed to, or delve into my portfolio directly to gain deeper insights into my work and approach.

EDUrain presentation v4_edited.png
EDUrain - Landlord Dashboard
DuoLingo - conceptualized new feature addition
Bridget's Home Screen_edited_edited.png
Bridget's Irish Cottage - Storefront Redesign

My UX Design Philosophy


Accessibility-Friendly Design

Passionate about inclusivity, my UX design philosophy centers on crafting experiences that transcend barriers, ensuring accessibility for all users, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. Leveraging empathy and innovation, I specialize in creating interfaces that empower every individual to navigate and engage seamlessly, fostering a truly inclusive digital landscape. Through meticulous attention to detail and user-centric design principles, I champion accessibility as a fundamental cornerstone of exceptional user experiences.

Uniting Client and User Needs

Proficient in aligning client objectives with user needs, I specialize in creating cohesive products that seamlessly bridge the gap between stakeholders and end-users. By facilitating collaboration and communication between all parties, I ensure that the final design reflects both the client's vision and the user's requirements, resulting in a universally satisfying experience. Through a harmonious integration of diverse perspectives, I strive to deliver solutions that exceed expectations and delight users across the board.

Empathetic Research

Skilled in empathetic user research, I excel in uncovering deep insights into user needs, desires, and pain points. Through immersive techniques and active listening, I cultivate a profound understanding of user perspectives, driving the creation of impactful design solutions that resonate on a personal level. My commitment to empathy ensures that every design decision is rooted in genuine user experiences, resulting in intuitive and meaningful products.

Creating Equitable Spaces

Dedicated to fostering equitable spaces, I thrive on designing experiences that prioritize accessibility and inclusivity for all users. Through thoughtful consideration of diverse perspectives and needs, I craft interfaces that empower individuals from all backgrounds to engage meaningfully. By championing equity in design, I strive to create digital environments where every user feels valued and respected.

If you’d like more information about how I can help you reach your goals,

please use the  link below to get in touch today.

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